Some cities figure out how to gather up money from citizens to hold a competition for artists to apply for making public art for their city. When an artist gets a city “gig” they can go at it and do all sorts of things as long as they follow the rules established by the city. Then once the work has been completed the artist has the opportunity to be so very proud of their work. Sometimes they find that there is a collaboration between them and the public, such as the drawing/text here as seen in this photo. The F is so flowey. The U so elegant, the C is direct, and the K very bold. The scribbleys bring a sense of humor to the work and the T in the word That is such a throwback to the ’80’s when cheerleaders used to spell our football teams name “Gimme a T!” As for the remaining characters of the drawing/text well I will leave it to the viewer to enjoy dive into deciphering that.